UAE Set To Embrace Casino Resorts

UAE Set To Embrace Casino Resorts

Regular readers of the Dubai Shopping Guide will know that Dubai is not suffering from a lack of high-quality stores. People come from all over the world to shop at the fantastic outlets that sit on our doorstep. There are plenty of reasons to go to the UAE, and now it turns out that there may be one more reason to visit the country –casino resorts. It looks like the UAE will start to embrace casino resorts, and if they take off as predicted and perform as well as they do in other countries, we could be looking at a significant boost to the economy.

UAE becomes first Arab country in the Gulf to approve casino resorts

Shortly after approving the country’s first lottery back in June, the UAE published guidelines for future casino resorts in the country. As a result, the UAE became the first Arab country in the Gulf to legalise gambling.

When the pro-casino legislation was announced, many people were surprised at just how relaxed it was, with much of the legislation being on par with other countries around the world that boast major casino resorts. This demonstrates that the UAE is committed to becoming a global destination for casinos, and based on the quality of shopping and tourism options here, we wouldn’t be surprised if the UAE becomes the premier destination.

It is worth noting that it wasn’t just casino resorts that got the go-ahead here – online casinos will also be licensed to operate within the UAE, with some online casinos at now available to play.

What this could mean for the UAE

Casinos have always had a massive impact on any country where they’ve been legally allowed. Casino resorts, in particular, have been a big driver for tourism, employment and the local economy, driving footfall into malls, shops and restaurants. However, despite the positives, many countries grapple with the idea of allowing casino resorts due to the negative perception of them. However, the UAE has always been a trendsetter in the Gulf, and the suggested legislation does indicate that the country will be introducing the legislation in the right way.

The casino resorts are very much predicting that the UAE will give them big business. Wynn, for instance, has invested over $3 billion into their resort, and they expect to see a sizeable return on that investment. Dubai, in particular, is expecting to see a big tourism boost from a new way to enjoy the city.

Experts predict that once the casino resorts are up and running in the country, they could generate over $8.5 billion in revenue per year, and that seems to be a conservative estimate. It certainly means big bucks for the country.

What this means for Dubai

The first casino resorts will likely open in 2027, and they will be outside of Dubai. However, it probably won’t be long before the major casino resorts move into the city, with some plans afoot already.

MGM, who also own a major casino in Las Vegas (and run online gambling options) is likely to be the first operator to open a major casino resort in Dubai. At the moment, their luxury resort, slated to open up in Dubai, will be a three-hotel complex. In February 2024, MGM announced they had no current plans to open up a casino in Dubai. However, just a month later, rumours started to swirl that while MGM won’t launch their hotel with a casino, they have earmarked 150,000 square feet of space for future casino development, and we are reasonably sure they’ll use it.

We believe that MGM will likely become the big player for casino resorts within Dubai, but once they are up and running, expect smaller organisations to roll in. This could make Dubai the go-to destination for casinos. It may even rival Las Vegas, although it might take a few decades to get to that point.

Even if you are not a fan of gambling, you will likely see the benefits of casino resorts in Dubai. It drives tourism to a city, and Dubai will be no different. You’ll also likely see many more higher-class shopping opportunities around the city (gamblers like to spend the big bucks), and you’ll probably have a few new places to shop too. You’ll be surprised at how much these casino resorts sell, because, once again, gamblers often spend big.

Of course, it’ll likely be a good while before we see casino resorts start to spring up in Dubai. They do take a while to plan and build, and there needs to be licensing put in place too. However, don’t worry – we’ll keep you up to date every single step of the way, particularly with how it relates to your shopping opportunities.